Broadly speaking, the term "e-business" refers to using the Internet for doing business.
Are you doing e-business?
Is your business doing e-business? Here's a checklist to find out. If you can say yes to any of these, then you are doing e-business.
* We communicate with customers, clients or suppliers via email.
* We send emails to other businesses to order products and services.
* We sell our products or services via our website.
* We use the Web to find information, such as prices, phone numbers, reviews of products.
Entrepreneurship is the practice of starting new organizations or revitalizing mature organizations, particularly new businesses generally in response to identified opportunities. Entrepreneurship is often a difficult undertaking, as a vast majority of new businesses fail. Entrepreneurial activities are substantially different depending on the type of organization that is being started. Entrepreneurship ranges in scale from solo projects (even involving the entrepreneur only part-time) to major undertakings creating many job opportunities. Many "high-profile" entrepreneurial ventures seek venture capital or angel funding in order to raise capital to build the business. offers free online eb00ks to entrepreneurs . A full comprehensive online guide treult to help young entrepreneurs succeed. Lean the basics as well as tips and tricks on succeeding .
Advantages of Entrepreneurship
Every successful entrepreneur brings about benefits not only for himself/ herself but for the municipality, region or country as a whole. The benefits that can be derived from entrepreneurial activities are as follows:
1. Enormous personal financial gain
2. Self-employment, offering more job satisfaction and flexibility of the work force
3. Employment for others, often in better jobs
4. Development of more industries, especially in rural areas or regions disadvantaged by economic changes, for example due to globalisation effects
5. Encouragement of the processing of local materials into finished goods for domestic consumption as well as for export
6. Income generation and increased economic growth
7. Healthy competition thus encourages higher quality products
8. More goods and services available
9. Development of new markets
10. Promotion of the use of modern technology in small-scale manufacturing to enhance higher productivity
Saturday, December 29, 2007
ZeroMillions Entrepreneurs
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5:31 PM
Labels: Entrepreneur
Thursday, December 20, 2007
I have learned of bloggerwave by chance from a blogger’s website. After reading this person’s review about Bloggerwave, I was excited about it and I went straight to sign up for an account. Just like what the girl or woman wrote, Bloggerwave was very fast at approving your blogs, indeed that was true. I have my blogs accepted and approved within three days. What’s more, at bloggerwave, you can submit five blogs and your blogs can be written in any of these languages - English, Danish, German, Swedish, Norwegian, Italian, French and Spanish! However, the most important thing and the reason for signing up the service of Bloggerwave is to get paid for blogging. Can you trust Bloggerwave? Definitely. Bloggerwave pays (Up to this day)!
Posted by
5:51 PM
Labels: Blogging
Monday, December 17, 2007
Drop shipping work for Your online Business?
If you resell products on eBay, you have your own home based
ecommerce website or you are looking for products to resell for a
profit, please take the time to read this, you'll be glad you did.
There is much discussion throughout usenet, chatrooms and forums about
drop shippers, and I have sat through many heated threads about the
subject. Many will tell you that drop shipping is a scam, it don't
work, you'll never make any money...But I know these things just not to
be true,
as I have talked with those doing it, work with those who do, and am
the webmaster of the site belonging to someone who manufactures and
drop ships his products. I have also used this method in the past.
First of all, using drop shippers is not a get rich scheme, or is the
answer to all of your problems, and, like any home based business,
requires some research and some work, but done correctly, can be very
Posted by
11:30 AM
Labels: Drop Shipping, Tips
How to get your business from ..Part 3
You probably possess a wealth of information on the topic of Internet marketing or business. Do you have knowledge on a topic which you have a passion about which largely remains a mystery to the average member of the public. This puts you in an excellent position to disseminate this knowledge amongst the many that are willing to listen and learn
Write an introductory article followed by directions to the source web-site. Your article would be the key item. To create impressive results, the medium in which it would be a feature would have to be carefully selected. An article on business could be sent to Home business or Internet business magazines, the educational section of any business magazine or business section of any educational publication. On-line and Off-line. Have all national local papers featured an educational article on your own business if it has a national reach?
In Summary
If you are truly ambitious and seeking financial security from your business, if you fantasise about being a millionaire through your business, then always know this: ‘I must be prepared to provide services or goods to a truly large number of people’ and always think this: ‘everybody must get to know about my Business’.
About the Author: Ugo works and trains as an Orthopaedic Surgeon. He also set up runs several successful Internet Businesses including, a resource and guide to any aspiring Entrepreneur. Copyright Ugo Okonkwo Please reprint or reproduce exactly as is together with resource box.
Posted by
10:04 AM
Labels: Entrepreneur, Small Business
How to get your business from ..Part 2
By applying the principle of gearing and leveraging, you can have multiples of any sum available to you strictly for promotional use. Large scale impressive promotional use. Only ever approach key lending institutions with a full understanding of your industry and the potential of your business.
Tips for Advertising your Business to initiate Astounding Explosive Growth.
Giving Interviews or ‘An Exercise in Public Relations’
How would you like to talk about your personal business and marketing experiences as seen from your own unique eyes? How about featuring on a documentary on one of the many cable channels? Dress smartly and be enthusiastic. If you are as shy as can be, pay someone else to become the public ‘face’ of your business. If you can’t afford to pay them, then make them a shareholder in your business.
Along the above lines you can educate people on developing themselves, developing a business like yours and how to generate an income if this is suited to their needs. Infomercials can appear in any medium that you would imagine. National daily papers, radio and television.
Useful Tools For Free – A Tried and Tested Method
Advertising/Promotion takes many forms. There is the instant ‘Buy Product X Now’ approach designed to bring about an immediate reaction.
Intermittent yet persistent appeals e.g. mailing lists featuring ‘auto-responders’ comprising 5 to 8 messages delivered at intervals over a period of several days are also a powerful and effective technique.
A third method is the provision of a free service with subliminal advertising affixed, almost as an afterthought.
A good example is the ‘tool-bar’ for Internet surfers. A tool-bar is downloaded for free. It is a plug-in for your browser and is designed to enhance and improve your browsing experience. Different tool-bars offer different functions. For instance, with a good tool-bar you can search for any item at all on the web or in your hard-drive without leaving the window that you are working in.
Most free tool-bars will also have a direct link to the web-site of the provider where you will find their other goods and services freely available on offer to you for purchase. A good toolbar will remain indefinitely in the surfer’s window and will be discreet yet clearly present for use. Discreet yet clearly present indefinite advertising.
Are you a businessperson? Does your business have a tool-bar for free download? Does every ‘cover-disk’ issued alongside computer related publications in your area feature your service as a freely available and useful download? Is there any place for a “YOUR-BUSINESS NAME Toolbar”? Should you aim to place your business tool-bar on the window of every computer user?
You can either program the software yourself, or buy, modify and distribute the generic tool-bar software or just pay someone to do it all for you.
This is just one example. What other service can you think of that is generally useful and therefore in relative demand by everybody and will have a direct link to your web-site apart from tool-bars?
Posted by
10:03 AM
Labels: ., Entrepreneur
How to get your business from the kitchen table to the boardroom
Part 1
Challenging Tips foSmall r Explosive Growth in Any Business or How to Get Your Business From The Kitchen Table to The Boardroom.
Fact: This article will not of benefit to everyone.Entrepreneur
This article is ‘Highly targeted’. It is directed specifically to those business people who:
1. 1. Are not satisfied with their current earnings or business growth and more importantly,
2. Are looking to make more.
3. Know without a doubt that massive action will result in your businesses producing massive results.
If none of these apply to you, if you have no serious financial ambition and you are financially content then there is really no need to read on.
As a result of what I am about to show you, expect to discover more people than you ever imagined who are looking to buy or use your product or service.
Remember that you are running a business so the first rule of business applies, and that is to advertise, advertise, and then advertise some more. Advertising can be quantified and qualified. Quality advertising will yield good results. Large-scale intensive quality advertising will yield outstanding results.
But the cost of these ventures can be anything from a few hundred to a few thousand dollars. How does a small home-based business cope with such an outlay?
How to Raise Money: Get a few like-minded entrepreneurs like yourself. Pool together however much or however little money you have together. Do NOT use this as your advertising budget however. Instead, approach an understanding venture capitalist or a good lender.
Posted by
10:00 AM
Labels: Entrepreneur, Small Business
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Drop shipping for Your online Business
First you decide what you are going to sell online.
You then find a drop shipper that carries the product. You place the
images and descriptions on your website or auction. When you make a
sale, you send the order on to your drop shipper, who in turn sends the
product to your customer. The profit that you make is the difference in
the price that you charge.
That is the process in a nutshell, but it is a bit more complicated
than that. Let me explain...
Deciding what to sell is one of the most important decisions that you
will make, and this is where many trying to get into the business
fail. You must take the time to research the market. This research
involves finding out these things...
Posted by
11:32 PM
Labels: Drop Shipping
Friday, November 16, 2007
What You Need to Know About Pay Per Sale Affiliate Program- Part 2 of 2
Countless people have profited quite well as some affiliate marketing programs provide streams of residual income. What happens is that the affiliate marketer will be given a referral link along with a replicated site in some cases, and then he will have to market his link to the public to see how many sign ups he can attain. When he actually gets someone to sign up under him, he gets a commission, and then he gets money each month thereafter as the sign up pays to continue to be a member of the program. Sign ups are tracked through an affiliate ID similar to that of the tracking of sales enabling the affiliate to get his monthly commissions.
Most people in the affiliate marketing industry just set it and forget it. What this means is that they set up some ads for their affiliate link, and then they sit back and watch the traffic role in. They also put auto responders in place to follow up with clients so they won’t have to. Aside from putting up some ads here and there and answering occasional customer questions, the affiliate market’s main role is to check his email for stats to see how much prophet he is bringing in. There is totally no better way to gain great profit as it’s done practically on autopilot!
Posted by
11:15 AM
Labels: Affiliate Programs
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
What You Need to Know About Pay Per Sale Affiliate Program- Part 1 of 2
Today, many are participating in affiliate marketing programs. Some even work it as a fulltime job. Not to mention, there isn’t a whole lot of effort that has to be put forth as the one in this business markets other people’s products. Countless amounts of money and precious time are not lost trying to create a product since the affiliate marketer can just jump in and begin the process of gaining massive exposure—even overnight.
The way affiliate marketing works is that a person signs up under a program, and upon sign up, he is given a link to market to the public. He can choose to put it in the resource box of articles, place it in ads on ad traffic sites, market it in traffic exchanges, and much more.
When a person clicks the link and purchases the products being advertised, the affiliate is getting a commission for each sale. there is software set in place that keeps track of how many sales he makes through the use of an ID number. The link that is supplied to the affiliate marketer is attached to that ID which is useful for tracking sales so the owner of the program will be able to give him his cut. Each time a person clicks the link and purchases, that is credit given to the marketer which then converts to money in his pocket
Posted by
11:12 AM
Labels: Affiliate Programs
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Affililiated Guide
This information may be helpful for everyone, regardless of how long you have been in the affiliate business, or even if you are just getting started.
First, a good affiliate program can be hard to come by. It needs to offer decent commissions, accurately track sales, and most importantly, pay their affiliates in a timely manner.
Many webmasters and internet gurus are doing very well with only a handful of affiliate programs. Once you find a good one, you kind of seem to get stuck on it until you are positive you are making every penny possible.
Before spending a lot of time and money marketing an affiliate program, always check it out first. There are a number of ways to do this.
1. Search through the hundreds of affiliate directories online and look for comments about it.
2. Ask them how many affiliate they have, and what the top earners are making, as well as the average affiliate.
3. Give the program a trial run - just enough to make a few sales that will allow you to recieve a payment from them. This will ensure they pay as offered.
4. Spread the word! Lots of affiliate money stays on the table because we do not refer others. If you know other affiliates, send them an email and let them know about your new program. Of course, send your affiliate link id to earn 2nd tier revenue if possible!
To see my favorite affiliate programs, please visit
Posted by
11:25 AM
Labels: Affiliate Programs, Business Informations
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Online Presence..Part 2 of 2
10 Advantages of having a website are:
1. Publicize your business, service or products to millions of potential customers. Having a website can increase your sales by making it easier for people to do business with you.
2. You can update your website with your latest news or prices much easier and cheaper than print based media. A website can save you a lot of money in communication and administration costs.
3. You can link your website with other advertising campaigns therefore creating brand awareness.
4. Your business can advertise and publicize on the internet 24 hours a day, 365 days of the year.
5. Your business now has an extra outlet for taking orders, streamlining business processes.
6. Websites are easier and cheaper to change / update, than conventional print based media.
7. Websites make it easier for customers to do business with you. These customers can be nationwide or local.
8. You can compete with other companies in your market area.
9. You can now place your website address on your business card to enhance your image.
10. You can use your website to network with other companies and build better business relationships, locally and around the world.
Imagine the scenario whereby customers ring you requesting information on a product or service - there’s only so much you can do via telephone and delivering brochures via postal services takes time. It would be great to say, “If you take a look at our web-site, I’m sure you’ll find what you need there.” You would be surprised how many extra sales you could have by developing an on-line brochure or virtual store. Having an internet site also speeds up the time taken to react to customer queries, which can be done via e-mail.
An effective web site is a collection of applications. Applications meant to streamline your business processes. Examples of such applications include: online banking, online shopping, applying for a job, taking courses online. The possibilities are limited by your imagination.
The internet is here to stay so why not act now and make use of this powerful marketing tool.
If your company does not have an internet site, the only people benefiting is your competitor - who does have one!
*Nick Roy is an HR Researcher, Consultant, and freelance business writer. He currently holds a Master of Business Administration and Master of Arts in Human Resources Management
Posted by
10:45 AM
Labels: Online Business, Websites
Monday, October 8, 2007
Online Presence..Part 1 of 2
You may ask yourself, why do I need a website … I already have a good customer brochure or a good book of photos. With an internet site, your product or service is accessible globally, to prospective customers 24 hours, 365 days a year.
More and more people these days are using the internet as a first post of call because of its convenience and to save time. Customers and the general public almost expect that a company has a web site. If people want information on a product or service, they are now saying, “I think they have a website, I’ll check that out first.”
If a customer asks me for a brochure, I refer them to my web site. If the prospective customer insists on a brochure, they are not worth pursuing. So for a model, if a photographer asks to see some photos of you, then refer them to your web site. If they insist on seeing a physical book then that photographer is not worth pursuing. Bottom line, as a model, you are in business for yourself and you need to start thinking like a business person. Otherwise, photographers and casting agents will walk all over you. Having a web site demonstrates that you are in control of your career, and nobody can tell you otherwise.
Because websites are quicker, easier and more cost-effective to update than print based media ; Therefore, you can have pictures, details and prices of your products, the very latest company information, or maps indicating the location of your companies outlets on your web-site. A website can play an integral part of your promotional and marketing strategy. It also makes a powerful statement about your business, showing that you have planned for the future by securing your on-line presence today.
Posted by
10:43 AM
Labels: Online Business, Tips
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Friday, September 7, 2007
Practial thought For online Business Part 3
Create your own newsletter and start building your database. To be successful with a newsletter, you have to specialize. Your best bet will be with new information on a subject not already covered by an established newsletter. Regardless of the frustrations involved in launching your own newsletter, never forget this truth: There are people
from all walks of life, in all parts of the world, many of them with no writing ability whatsoever, who are making incredible profits with a simple newsletter. Plan your
newsletter before launching it. Know the basic premise for its being, your editorial position, the layout, art work, type styles, subscription price, distribution methods, and
every other detail necessary to make it look, sound and feel like the end result you have envisioned.
In Conclusion- all successful businesses offer their customers something of value, but that's not enough. Customers constantly evaluate what they get against what they pay, and their criteria for making repeat purchases are very simple. They want everything: better, faster and cheaper! Even if you're clever enough to build a perfect
business the first time and your product or service is ideal for your customers, your position will eventually erode because the marketplace is not static.
Your product or service may be unique, but it's not as though someone blew the whistle and stopped innovation. Sooner or later, and very soon if you're noticeably successful, other businesses will copy you. If they can
provide a similar product or service better, faster or cheaper, they're going to surpass you.
Never forget that as a business owner you'll be in a constant race against an ever-improving marketplace and no matter where you are in the hunt, making improvements is a daily necessity.
Andy Cooper is the owner and operator of a successful online business.
For More Information
Posted by
10:26 AM
Labels: Online Business, Small Business
Thursday, September 6, 2007
Practial thought For online Business Part 2
Write powerful and instructive sales letters by letting it all flow out. Write down everything that enters your mind as you are writing your sales letter. You can edit it
later. If you just sit and start writing everything you know about your product or service and how it will benefit your customer, you will be amazed at how much information floods your mind. Write it ALL down. Then read through it - you'll be able to add a lot more detail to many of the points. Edit it after you have exhausted all of your ideas.
Establish a marketing method and an advertising campaign. While it’s agreed that the best e-commerce site in the world is worthless if no one can find it, but, too often, e-commerce start-ups either rely on search engines alone or use shotgun marketing, simply by advertising everywhere, to everyone, in the hope that a fraction of a percent of those who see the ads will respond. Promotion on the Internet has many methods, is complex, yet as with more traditional advertising requires that you understand where and how you will spend your marketing budget and what results are to be
expected, as with any marketing campaign.
Posted by
10:13 AM
Labels: Entrepreneur
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
Practial thought For online Business Part 1
Starting a business to operate on the internet alone can bea rewarding experience, but it can also be daunting. Many resources are available to assist you, but information
overload can cause paralysis and keep you from moving forward.
Keeping it simple is often the best way of maintaining the momentum necessary to get your business started. Every year, several thousand people develop an interest in "going
into business." Many of these people have an idea, a product or a service they hope to promote into an income producing business which they can operate from their own homes. If you are one of these people, here are some
practical thoughts to consider before hanging out the "Open-for-Business" sign on the web.
Whether you're selling products and services or providing resources and downloads, you need eye-catching content for your Website. You might run a wonderful advertising campaign; develop viral marketing tools and attractive affiliate programs. But unless your Website is rich in content, the traffic that results from your efforts will only be transient. Content that is useful, valuable,
informative, educational or just plain entertaining can attract and retain an audience better than anything else.
Admittedly, designing a web site can be a complex task, Site aesthetics are important and image and design are probably the first things to register in consumer awareness, but content is the most important part of the
online merchandising and sales process.
Posted by
10:09 AM
Labels: Online Business, Tips