Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Good salary Jobs

An x-ray technician immediately responded and prepared my arm for x-ray. Since I was left there, I was able to have a little chat with the x ray technician, her name was Erica, she was an xray technician for two years in that hospital. She was gentle and kind enough to walk me through the whole process. As an x-ray technician, she was trained to be one with the help of the Medical-Career-Trainings.com. I kept looking at her face because I was feeling too much pain already because of my arm that is swelling. After an hour of waiting the result came out. Indeed it was a slight fracture almost as small as a needle. The doctor advised that my arm would not be operated. It only needs to be wrap with tight bandage so that the small crack will heal itself. For more information about the x-ray technician trainings, visit their website

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